Difference Between nn.Parameters and nn.Linear

Stright forward answer for this question is both the methods provides same output but… The Parameters will add trainable weights to the given vector, i.e nn.Parameter is wrapper to a vector

Lets see an example`

from torch import nn
import torch

Lets say there is an vector of shape 5X2, If we want to make this w_ vector to be trainable i.e we should be able to apply back propagations, then we have wrap this vector with nn.Parameters as shown below

w_ = torch.FloatTensor(5, 2)

W = nn.Parameter(w_)

tensor([[ 2.7591e-02,  3.0774e-41],
        [-1.9336e+02,  4.5750e-41],
        [ 4.4842e-44,  0.0000e+00],
        [ 1.1210e-43,  0.0000e+00],
        [ 3.6767e+20,  3.0778e-41]])
torch.Size([5, 2])

Parameter containing:
tensor([[3.9058e-02, 3.0774e-41],
        [2.7396e-02, 3.0774e-41],
        [4.4842e-44, 0.0000e+00],
        [1.1210e-43, 0.0000e+00],
        [3.0101e+20, 3.0778e-41]], requires_grad=True)

If you observe the W metrix has parameter called requires_grad, but previous w_ does not have

Now to train this W we just need to multiply with required vector as shown below

vec = torch.randn(10, 5)

manual_wt = vec.unsqueeze(0).bmm(W.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze()
print("manual_wt", manual_wt.shape)
tensor([[-1.4777, -1.7305, -0.4353, -1.0892,  0.2154],
        [-0.4027, -0.5443,  0.3094,  1.0402, -0.9318],
        [ 0.8985, -0.8716, -0.7928, -0.5932,  0.6017],
        [ 0.2847, -2.5082, -1.2951,  0.1136, -1.6509],
        [-0.9043,  0.5854,  1.5851, -0.3034,  0.2532],
        [-0.2623,  0.8554, -1.5242,  0.0248,  0.3215],
        [ 0.1314,  1.1035,  0.3485,  0.9364, -0.3890],
        [ 0.3815,  0.1583, -0.1855,  0.5716, -0.4829],
        [-1.2311,  1.0750, -1.9082,  0.3070,  1.8087],
        [-1.4859, -0.1095, -0.2550, -0.7027, -0.6401]])

torch.Size([10, 2])

Lets see how this operation is equivalent to nn.Linear

lin_vec = nn.Linear(5, 2, bias=False)(vec)


print("shape of both are same",manual_wt.shape == lin_vec.shape)
tensor([[-0.5080, -1.3123],
        [-0.7342, -0.1703],
        [ 0.1832, -0.1991],
        [-1.3580, -1.2401],
        [ 0.4050,  0.0766],
        [-0.0567,  0.1869],
        [ 0.0048,  0.6505],
        [-0.2096,  0.2060],
        [ 0.0861,  0.3509],
        [-0.4425, -0.7659]], grad_fn=<MmBackward0>)

shape of both are same True

Hence Proved ;)