Activation Functions
Activation functions are used to introduce non linearity in the model.
As we know machine learning is nothing but finding out best possible weights & biases but wait! what is exact role of these weights & biases in machine learning?
To understand activation functions we need to understand role of these weights & biases so, lets first try to understand these weights & biases first. For simplicity we shall stick back to two dimensional.
What is equation of line two dimensional?
\[y=mx+c\]In above equation ‘m’ is slope and ‘c’ is intercept, slope is defined as below
\[slope = \frac{change \; in\:vertical\,direction}{change \; in \; horizontal \; direction} = \frac{\Delta vertical \; direction}{\Delta horizontal \;direction}\]and intercept is the point where line passes on vertical axis. So simply to say y=mx+c
the boundary and m
is direction of the boundary and c
is location the boundary which separates the data points very well.
Now lets assume our data is not linearly separable that means a simple line cannot separate the data points in that case we need a boundary that is in non linear form like a curve so, here comes the picture of activation function. When a activation function is applied on mx+c
we get an output of a non linear structure that may separate the points well.
Without activation function, model only learns a linear function which may work well on linear data but fails on non-linear data.
Types Of Activation Functions
1.Sigmoid Activation Function
What ever the value you pass to the sigmoid function it transform them between 0 & 1
\[\sigma(z) = \frac {1}{1+exp^(z)}\]where \(z = w^T . x_i + b\)
2.Tanh Activation Function
4.Relu Activation Function
5.Leky Rely Activation Function
6.Softmax Activation Function
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