Activation functions are used to introduce non linearity in the model.

As we know machine learning is nothing but finding out best possible weights & biases but wait! what is exact role of these weights & biases in machine learning?

To understand activation functions we need to understand role of these weights & biases so, lets first try to understand these weights & biases first. For simplicity we shall stick back to two dimensional.

What is equation of line two dimensional?



In above equation ‘m’ is slope and ‘c’ is intercept, slope is defined as below

\[slope = \frac{change \; in\:vertical\,direction}{change \; in \; horizontal \; direction} = \frac{\Delta vertical \; direction}{\Delta horizontal \;direction}\]

and intercept is the point where line passes on vertical axis. So simply to say y=mx+c the boundary and m is direction of the boundary and c is location the boundary which separates the data points very well.

Now lets assume our data is not linearly separable that means a simple line cannot separate the data points in that case we need a boundary that is in non linear form like a curve so, here comes the picture of activation function. When a activation function is applied on mx+c we get an output of a non linear structure that may separate the points well.

Without activation function, model only learns a linear function which may work well on linear data but fails on non-linear data.

Types Of Activation Functions

1.Sigmoid Activation Function

What ever the value you pass to the sigmoid function it transform them between 0 & 1


\[\sigma(z) = \frac {1}{1+exp^(z)}\]

                                                                 where \(z = w^T . x_i + b\)


2.Tanh Activation Function


4.Relu Activation Function


5.Leky Rely Activation Function

6.Softmax Activation Function